Welcome to Heraldic Art

A service devoted to businesses operating in the heritage gifts sector

About us

Heraldic Art & Design is a web site devoted to the sale of high quality embroidered products sourced from the Far East.
The products we showcase are hand sewn under a fair trade arrangement using skills that have been largely lost in Europe.
Our principal has been selling embroidered heraldry products for 25 years via high street shops, craft fairs and the internet and experience has taught us what to sell and what suppliers to deal with. Building upon this experience we have put together a showcase of embroidered products which will allow you to add value to your existing product range as well as introducing new revenue streams.
Dealing with third party suppliers can be problematic especially when they are based overseas – our supply chains are tried and tested.
You can choose what level of service you require from us. Dependent on the product ordered you can opt for shipment direct to your customer under plain cover, or shipment to you with a variety of finishes.

